Mr. Jackson
Haji Bayram Veli Episode 2 Urdu Substitles

Haji Bayram Veli Episode 2 Urdu Substitles

Haji Bayram Veli Episode 2 Urdu Substitles

Ey Rabbim gögsümü aç. Genishlet. O my Lord, open my chest. Expand. Ishimi kolaylashtir. Make my job easier. Dilimde bulunan dügümü çöz de anlasinlar beni. Untie the knot in my tongue so that they can understand me. Durmush Efendi. Durmush Efendi. Tez yetishtiresiniz bunu anasina. Let’s raise this for her mother. Künyesi Ebu’l-Velīd Muhammed ibn Ahmed ibn Muhammed olan ibn Rüshd.

Endülüs’te dogdu. Marakesh’te öldü. He was born in Andalusia. He died in Marrakech. Averroes Diyar-i küffarda bilinen nami ile Averroes. , as it is known in the Diyar-i Kufffar. Nami diger Sahib-ül Mantik. Also known as Sahib-ul Logic. Cümle küffar bilgini filozof Aristo’yu onun… Sentence blasphemous scholar got to know the philosopher Aristotle through the translation of …eserlerinin Latin lisanina tercümesiyle tanimishtir. his works into Latin.

Iyi de bütün bunlarin yumurtalarla alâkasi ne ola ki? But what does all this have to do with eggs? Koca Ibn Rüshd. Sahib-ül Mantik. Big Ibn Rushd. Sahib-ul Logic. Eger ki yumurta içten bir kuvvet ile kirilirsa hayat bashlar. If the egg is broken with an internal force, life begins. Eger ki yumurta… If the egg… Dishtan bir kuvvet ile kirilirsa hayat biter. If it is broken by an external force, life ends. Malum hayat bitince bashlayabilen tek shey nedir? Ölüm. Death.

O hâlde ne ola hayatin her bir alaninda tekâmül? Then what would be the evolution in every area of Ancak ve ancak shartlarin kemale ermesiyle meydana gelebilir. It can only happen if and only if the conditions come to an end. Oysaki biz çogu vakit ne yapariz? Ham meyveyi dalindan kopaririz. But what do we do most of the time? We pluck the raw fruit from the branch. Meyveye de kendimize de yazik ederiz.

We hurt the fruit and ourselves. Ishte yumurta dishtan kirildiginda netice meydanda. Here is the result when the egg is broken from the outside. Oysaki tekâmül iyi sheylerin tertibiyledir. However, evolution is in the order of good things. Dogrular, dogru zamanda, dogru mekânda… When the truths come together at the right time, in the right place… …ve dogru miktarda bir araya geldiginde tekâmül olushur. …and in the right amount, evolution occurs.

Episode 2 Urdu

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. “Benim maksudum alemde degildir lakin illa Hu” “My purpose is not in the world, but illa Hu” “This is not a cure for my problem, but necessarily Hu” “Bu benim derdime derman degildir lakin illa Hu” “The “Onun naksh-i hayâlinden cihan bir zerre olmushtur” “Nazar etsen o zerreden görünmez lakin illa Hu” his naqsh-i dream” “Evil eye will not be seen from a speck, but illa Hu” “

Nazar etsen o zerreden görünmez lakin illa Hu” “Evil eye is invisible from an iota” la illa Hu” “Bu sirrin sirrina kimse erishmez lakin illa Hu” “No one can reach the secret of this secret, but illa Hu” Numan Hocam. My teacher Numan. Rüstem Hocam. Rustem Teacher. Ahi sherafettin’de kilalim derim namazi. Ya shura? Geç kalmayalim. Or over there? Let’s not be late. Kalmayiz, Alaattin Camii’ne gideriz. Imam Riza çabuktur.

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